If this is your first time visiting the NEW KEECHPOND.com website, WELCOME!
We want to bring to your attention the new signs that have been installed at the various entrances of the Keech Pond Association. We hope this will be a helpful tool for notifications in the coming months.

With the complete REVAMPING of KEECHPOND.com, it is our hope and intent that this site becomes the GO-TO site for updates on our pond and its condition. It should serve as a platform to share information and get a better understanding of property ownership in our association, boating safety, how our property owner dues are being used and seasonal topics as well.
If there are any topics that you would like to see, feel free to fill out the contact form on this site and share your idea or ask your question.
Be on the lookout for additional information sent along with your invoices. Be warm and be SAFE!
Yours Truly,
B.O.D. Property Owners’ Association of Keech Pond