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  • If my original deed says I must pay $5.00 a year per lot for the upkeep of the dam, why am I now being asked to pay a higher amount.
    When the original founders and developers formed the association there was little thought of the increase in expenses over the decades. Taxes, insurance and liability claim potential are all things that had to be added as expenses over the years. Keeping up with all of these are the reasons your houses and property values have escalated greatly over the years. If everyone paid just $5.00 a year, we wouldn’t have even enough to pay the taxes. Non-payment of taxes would subject the property to be sold at Tax Sale. This could lead us to the pond being drained and roads put in with development of the property. Farfetched? Not really.
  • Am I affected when some homeowners don’t pay their annual dues?
    Yes. If all property owners don’t pay their annual dues, it might force an increase in annual dues for everyone so that expenses can be paid. There are on-going collection efforts being carried out by the Board with hopes we will someday have 100% compliance.
  • What are the annual Property Owners' dues?
    Annual Property Owners' dues from January to December, are $100 for the home and lot. Each additional lot owned, without a home on it, is $5.00.
  • Is there anything I can do to ensure everyone pays?
    Yes. If you hear neighbors or friends say they are not paying, encourage them to speak with a Board member and express their views on why they continue to be delinquent. Sometimes people refuse to pay for a reason that is personal to them and that could be rectified if the Board knew what it was.
  • Who maintains the association beaches?
    To keep costs down, much of the maintenance on the beaches is done by volunteers from the association. The association pays for the grass to be cut a few times a year on some of the beaches.Cutting grass, raking sand, raking leaves and picking up sticks and branches can be done by anyone who wants to help. If you can pick up an area you use, please do so. Help take care of common areas. Report vandalism to both the Glocester police and the Keech Pond Director in your area.
  • How can I help?
    Volunteer! We need more directors. Contact a local director. Come to the annual meeting. We need help on finance, beach, and dam committees. Get involved!
  • Are Directors or Officers of the Association compensated in any way?
    No. Your directors volunteer their time, talents, and many of their personal supplies/materials to help the association and to maintain common areas like the dam and beaches. At times, professionals may be hired for tasks that can't be completed by volunteers.
  • Where do I report problems?
    Glocester police may be called regarding rowdy behavior or vandalism on beaches, roads, or dam areas: 401-568-2533. Unsafe boating conduct should be reported to RI DEM at 401-222-3070. If roads are eroded and in need of repair, call the Glocester highway department at 401-568-5540. Unrestraint, barking or annoying dogs may be reported to Glocester Animal Control at 401-568-3885
  • Why am I a "member" of the Keech Pond Property Owners' Association?
    You are a property owner within the Keech Pond community. The location of your property is within the original land area of the SEW founders of Steere, Ebbets, and Westcott who rebuilt the present dam in 1951. Your present deed or past (possibly noted as restriction of record) states that your land is part of the Association.
  • Why can non-property owners use the association beaches?
    They are not allowed to unless they are with an active (paid to date) property owner. There is a public boat ramp that is owned by the State of RI and therefore allows boaters from outside to access the water, but the beaches belong to the Association and its active property owners. If you find outsiders using the beach areas, please bring it to the attention of your area Director.
  • How are the annual dues that I pay used?
    Our biggest line-item cost is insurance. Next is the tax for the roads, beaches, and the dam. Annual deposits are made to the dam reserve fund. To rebuild the dam, estimates are $1,000,000 and would require a 10 percent down payment for a loan. Dam and beach maintenance, office supplies, mailings, collection agency services, as well as URI Water Quality Monitoring are also costs. Unused funds are put towards the Dam Reserve Fund.
  • Why does the Association need insurance? I have good insurance, even the recommended million-dollar umbrella rider for boaters.
    Your personal property insurance covers your personal property and land only. The Keech Pond Property Owners' Association's insurance covers common areas such as the beaches, roads, and the dam, as well as protecting every Property Owner in the Association. Our insurance would cover any litigation costs in a lawsuit. Even though the replacement of dam is not covered by insurance, if the dam were to breach, our policy would cover downstream damage and any legal costs.
  • Does being a property owner expose me to greater liability? What if I don't acknowledge the Association or pay my dues?
    Whether or not you pay your required annual dues, your property location determines that you are part of the Keech Pond Property Owners' Association. You are a member of record and would be served in a lawsuit; payment of the dues is not a factor.
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